Check out the latest offers, deals, and discounts offered by Capitol Kitchens and Baths:

Kemper Choice, Echo & Emerge Sale

– 5 Door Styles included! Extra 10% OFF Echo, Choice & Emerge Series Cabinets
– Order must be completed at CKB before 2/9/2025

kemper cabinets logo
Terms and Conditions:
– All Above promotions are Vendor promotions and therefore subject to the Vendor Terms and Conditions.
– Minimum Cabinet Order Quantites or Dollar Amounts must be met
– Promotions cannot be combined. within the same Vendor
– Order must be completed by Customer (all required vendor and Captiol paperwork signed off and deposit paid IN FULL) at Capitol Kitchens and Baths at least 5 business days prior to vendor deadline to ensure order is submitted by vendor deadline. 

Meet a professional kitchen designer 

  1. Request an in-person or virtual design consultation.
  2. Communicate your particular needs and wants for the kitchen remodel. 
  3. Describe your current kitchen situation (including the current kitchen configuration, and plumbing and electrical conditions).

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